Our Offerings

As your trusted financial services provider, we make it simple to get financial assistance when you need it.

For You

Achieve your goal with a Personal Loan for Private Sector Employees, Civil Servants, Zambia National Service (ZNS) and Zambia Air Force (ZAF).

For Your Business

Keep your business moving forward with our SME loans.

Our Offerings

Your future is coming. As your trusted financial solutions partner, we’re here to help you prepare for it. Our hassle-free solutions promise to make it simple to get financial assistance when you need it.

Achieve your goal with a Personal Loan for Private Sector Employees, Civil Servants, Zambia National Service (ZNS) and Zambia Air Force (ZAF).

Keep moving your business forward with our Car4Cash Loan.

Personal Loans

We’ve made applying for a personal loan simple, no matter what you need it for

Business Loans

Enriching lives through
tailor-made financial solutions

How to Apply

Everything you need to know about how to apply for a loan, and what you will need

Locate Us

Find an Izwe branch nearest to you. We look forward to helping you!

Today, and every day, we help people to make their dreams come true.
Just last year we helped people to…

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Enhance homes
& family life


Grow their


For 14 years we have transformed and enriched lives every day. More than 300,000 people have chosen us for the financial assistance they needed to make their dreams come true, trusting us to help make a better life for themselves and their loved ones. Click to read more about what we do.

Personal Loans

We’ve made applying for a personal loan simple, no matter what you need it for

Car4Cash Loan

Apply for financial assistance against the value of your car. Keep your keys, keep driving

How to Apply

Everything you need to know about how to apply for a loan, and what you will need

Locate Us

Find an Izwe branch nearest to you. We look forward to helping you!

Today, and every day, wehelp people to make theirdreams come true. Just last year we helped people to…

Get an


Enhance homes
& family life


Grow their
